Armour Variant
RTB9 Terminator Chainsaw
RTB9 Terminator Flamer
RTB9 Terminator Captain
RTB9 Terminator Cannon
Brother Napier - RT 01
Brother Potter - RT 01
Manga Robot ( non-scale )
Brother Blake of the Strawberry Screamers, with Ice Cream Cone honors
Space Dwarves - Loader Grigg
RTB09 Terminator - Blood Angels
Unreleased Imperial Trooper, referenced here:
Imperial Heavy Infantry - Spaced-out Sam - 1988 Mercenaries - 1991: Imperial Guard ; Autogun.
Brother Craven. I got it damaged, and replaced the missing sword with a 3d printed chainsword.
Unreleased Necron by Bob Olley. It was featured 'incognito' in White Dwarf 143 as a 'Chaos Android'.
Camo Blake.
Yet another Brother Blake, from the Lamenters this time.
Another Brother Blake 070106
Marine in armour variant -
Unreleased StarWars Stormtrooper.
Artificer Marine ? it was featured along them in White Dwarf but I'm not sure he's one of them.
C100 Imperial Marines
LE2 Imperial Marine
C100 Imperial Marines
LE2 Imperial Marines
LE2 Ultramarine
LE2 Ultramarine
Tactical Marine with needle gun 070106 - Brother Gorshin -
Limited Edition Space Skeleton
Space Dwarves - Loader Powl -
Ultramarine trooper with bolter - Imperial Space Marines - Brother Hamilton-
Imperial / Tactical Marine with autogun 070106 - Brother Blake -
Ultramarine with Chainsaw 4102 - Captain Huron Grimm -
Marine in Artificer Armour
Plastic Space Marines RTB01 1987
Painted as the Ultramarines in White Dwarf #97
Plastic Space Marines RTB01 1987 - Ultramarines
Death Wings terminator from the RTB9 Marines In Tactical Dreadnought Armor - 1989
Limited Edition 2 space Marine - 1989
LE2 Space Marine
LE2 Space Marine
LE2 Space Marine
Space Dwarfs RT302/303
Limited Edition 10 P.A. Trooper